Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Letter From the Subconscious

From anyone's subconscious to anyone they meet,
   Do not own what hurts me. You do not need to fix it. Do not wish it away. Do not find ways to fix me. Just be there with me as I go through the motions to learn what I will. To hurt is not to suffer, to hurt is to learn.

As you watch me hurt, you might not like the feelings you find. Allow them to happen or the above letter cannot happen. Learn to be comfortable with yourself. Love yourself and the mistakes you make. 

Your subconscious knowledge

The suffering from hurting comes from feeling like something, anything or everything isn't being done correctly. ("Correctly" will have a different meaning for each person, some might feel things aren't being taken care of quick enough). If there is one thing I have learned that I want to take away from the city public school system where I grew up, it is that no one is at the same place at any time with regards to knowledge. What I know is what I know and no one else can know it as I do. I have to wait for many people to "catch up" to seeing [sort of] what I see needs to happen.  Forcing people to see what I see/know what I know is to keep them from learning what they need to to truly be at the same point I am at [respectively]. I have said things and watched people say "no it can't be like that..." and then they come around to something like I said, which is to say that they worked out how it indeed "can be...". I have seen myself do this to others as well. It's not helpful to stop that process because we move forward without learning from the past. There are many things out there that have been figured out or at least worked on, but too often we ignore the idea of searching for what has been done and we waste time, months or years, learning what we could have read about and learned in less than a month via the process of learning. That learning process is to learn, mull it over, see how it is in action, make mistakes, possibly relearn, and so on. We can have that process take a week or a decade. It depends on how much you want to fight common sense.

The point of learning from the past is to not make the same mistakes or to make those mistakes knowing they won't work but to find out how they don't work.

What I see right now is a needless judgment on aging. If someone has a hard time, we extend a hand and offer help that is rejected and we recoil, sometimes to never offer help again because of what we felt was a bad experience. What about the other side of the experience? The person who doesn't want help may know where they can help themselves, they may be at a point where they needed to rebuild their self confidence in doing whatever they can for themselves, so they think they will accept your help where and when they really need it. Just because they didn't need you when you offered yourself doesn't mean you aren't needed in the world, it doesn't mean they are angry and shouldn't be helped, and you might want to learn how to remove your emotions from every event in your day. You can't think logically with emotion clouding your judgment.

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