Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is going on in there!

Although my body doesn't want to work, my brain does.

Why is it that medicine and maybe vitamins as well seem to stop working for me almost right away? Is my body working hard to flush toxins while ignoring what is good and why are calories still stored evident by weight gain? (I have put on about 10lbs, but they are coming back's hard to separate water retention from actual weight gain, but I know I have put at least 5lbs back on.)

When I find a vitamin, mineral or medicine that seems to work well, it slowly stops working so well. As I flare, is my body trying to clean itself? What's going on in there?

The reason I want an associate's in dietetics is to learn intricately about how the body uses what is ingested. Where should I go from there? Neuroscience fascinates me...the brain itself fascinates me. Do I want to work in research or more in society as in working with children? Life itself fascinates me so I could go in any direction and be happy.

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