Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Global Positive and Negative Balance or Shift in Balance

I'm not for or against taking what I call stay-happy medicine or add/adhd medicine. It helps some, while others can't find one that works for them and yet others refuse to take the medicine either in continuing or starting at all. Until we learn, or relearn if it's something we were able to do decades back, to help each other and help others help ourselves we need the assistance of medicine to help ourselves.

It seems that most people were taught since [at least] the 1920s either by their parents or the government, it depends on the age of people when this began, that to get through life, we have to help ourselves, we have to do it on our own. When the 2nd bill of rights was not passed (Franklin D Roosevelt died before he could sign it into law), Americans were disheartened and there's no telling all that that caused in them. Those people brought up children possibly from a standpoint of anger, so it's even harder to know how that affected us. I can see how we may have learned that no one will help us so we have to help ourselves. We can't do everything on our own and we haven't found a way to cope with the many injustices that happen behind the scenes (or not in some cases) in each community. And when some communities are doing well, some of the people may not be able to cope with knowing or seeing other people and other communities, cities, towns, etc, being treated poorly. We feel like we need to help, to do something, but we can't. Some people might try, but for several reasons they don't succeed. They aren't a failure, but they may feel they are or some people might be angry that their crusade didn't work so they act out in making the person feel like a failure. Now they have to cope with whatever they learned while knowing the community is still being treated unfairly. Medicine helps us stay calm and we can maybe continue fighting or get back to the fight when we can be rational. Irrational coping shows when aggressive anger is evident. I assume (but I can't be sure I am right) that shootings and killings within communities and just people that do terrible things that aren't brought to justice and sent to jail so they are allowed to continue, I assume none of those people are taking medication or they aren't taking the proper medication so they can't find a way to cope. They are trying to find their own way to cope because they aren't getting the help they so desperately need. If they are taking medication, they are most likely frustrated with not getting better. Either way, they act out of anger in an assumption that that is who they are. Jails and the current justice system require a separate post in understanding why they don't work.

If we want a society free from medication, or if we can't do without medication yet or ever then a society free from constant despair, we need our government to stop allowing large corporations/companies have influence over laws.

Maybe companies don't need so many people running ("running") the company. I have a feeling that when there are too many people running one thing, someone will want to make sure their job is save. Rather than saving their own money and preparing for their future by expecting the unexpected, they find ways to keep money coming into the company so their job can be protected but their job becomes fighting for that one thing. With large corporations that job becomes fighting with congress to keep money coming in. This will not last. It's coming to a boiling point and the people won't let it keep going. It might take 50 yrs or just 5 more years. Since most of us have learned not to believe commercials (or however they get the message out that we need them) and we don't see an end in sight in how we will be lied to just to keep them in business, I wonder as well as worry what will happen to make it stop. I wouldn't want to stifle how people work to stop the injustices of companies to the rest of us internally and externally. Even if atrocious things occur, we will learn from them. They will happen because atrocious things have already occurred angering people and angering some to the point that they want revenge and justice and they don't know how else to do it. Unmedicated in tumultuous times seems, right now and since this is the first time we are dealing with such hard times while medicine is readily available...sort of, necessary at least this time. The country will go through hard times again and again, but hopefully we can learn from this current mess of situations that medicine is not a fix. We can't make ourselves happy on our own through medication and when there is so much going wrong from the top down to locally trusted institutions like schools, we can take away that we either can't trust anyone but ourselves, which would, in turn, tell me we can't even trust ourselves, or we can take away that we need to appreciate each other more and take care of each other rather than let everyone else fall while you can hold yourself up above all the people falling. Greed is an ugly thing, but one of the greedy industries, aka several corporations, is medicine. They don't realize they are setting themselves up for failure. We are coping with what they are doing to us by taking what they will allow us to use. They fight and lobby to stay above everyone else even though there are things out there that can possibly cure cancer (Burzynski..look him up). They don't see how wrong they are and what they are doing to the rest of us. But we can see it and we can't seem to win so we take their medication to stay happy. Happiness lets us see things we wouldn't if we were depressed or somehow down and we can come up with solutions.

That's my argument for taking medicine. I think it's true we are approaching behavior or behavioral issues incorrectly, but we aren't given another option. I think we will find one. We will find other options and hopefully learn to work together. I hope we can take away from today and the past decade that one person cannot speak for millions. The rest of us have ideas that don't seem to matter, especially when the people in power have an agenda they think will benefit themselves so that is all they can see...but they come from the same history the rest of us do in this world. Maybe they aren't taking the right medication.

Negative has an opposing balance of positive. Each has to exist for the other to occur. When the balance is off, it will be shifted back to a workable level of negative and positive. It might take a long time as is evident in the whole world right now, but it will happen. We can live positive and happy lives within despair, but when most people and most things around us are in despair, it will have to shift or we will not make it and it will shift naturally even if it's in one person's actions. The actions of people are just as natural as the actions of nature/of the Earth. It appears to be unnatural when too much is off balance, it's when terrible things occur that seemingly need justice, but the justice required of the situation is to find out what led to the injustice. People snap. It's part of the natural balancing of negative and positive. (Because I have all these things swirling in my head, I don't think I will ever snap, for me it shows in what looks like depression but I'm actually deep in thought until I can find words for what's on my mind.) This is how I can find peace with life right now. I know it will balance out and even better that we can all learn empathy. But when the wrongs are righted and we have happiness all around, we can easily forget what brought us to that point. I hope we learn to remember balance.

Learn, Live, Laugh, Love

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